I enjoy being at OSSM because of our amazing faculty! Our faculty teach us lessons that go beyond just the four walls of the classroom, and they impart wisdom and advice that endures! They always go above and beyond to make sure we have everything we need to succeed!
Jeswin T., OSSM Class of 2021 (Yukon H.S.)
At home I could not have received the level of academic support or the caliber of college counseling I receive at OSSM. Living at OSSM taught me I can volunteer more, learn more, work more, and achieve more than I ever thought possible. A million thanks to all who make it possible for students like me to take advantage of the biggest opportunity Oklahoma has to offer.
Jake B., OSSM Class of 2017 (Enid, Chisholm H.S.)
At OSSM I have developed many skills that surpass college preparedness and qualify as life skills. Living and learning with some of the brightest students. faculty, and staff in the nation is an honor and has enabled me to gain so much knowledge. I expect to build on that knowledge exponentially!
Jeremiah Y., OSSM Class of 2017 (Yukon H.S.)
OSSM provides unique education opportunities for students who are seeking to challenge themselves. By inspiring a high level of excellence, OSSM helps students to flourish in whichever field they wish to enter.
Pooja V., OSSM Class of 2019 (Lawton Academy of Arts & Science)
OSSM opened up doors of opportunities that likely would have never been available if I didn’t make the decision to come here. I suggest considering this wonderful institution.
Luke J., OSSM Class of 2020 (Enid, OK Bible Academy)
OSSM has opened more doors for me than I ever imagined possible. OSSM has had a life-changing impact on the trajectory of my future.
Zach W., OSSM Class of 2022 (Walters H.S.)
OSSM is an experience that breaks me down, but builds me up. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and exposed my weaknesses. But it gave me the environment to motivate myself in any given challenge and grow stronger along with the rest of our community.
Bella N., OSSM Class of 2018 (Lone Grove, Plainview H.S.)
Being at OSSM can be challenging. Natalie believes that students must have grit to persevere through difficult times and make it to good ones.
“I chose OSSM because the education is so much more challenging than the one I could have received elsewhere.”
Career Goal: General Surgeon
Natalie W., OSSM Class of 2023 (Duncan H.S.)
My experience at OSSM has opened me up to not only amazing opportunities, but amazing friendships. I also was able to appreciate my culture and heritage while getting to know other cultures throughout the school!
Adilenne M., OSSM Class of 2018 (OKC, Westmoore H.S.)
My first year at OSSM improved my time management skills greatly. It also improved my work ethic and has advanced my academic career much more than a regular high school would.
Katie L., OSSM Class of 2017 (Harrah, Choctaw H.S.)