OSSM prepared me for a petroleum engineering undergraduate program which helped me start my first semester of college as a sophomore and have a higher GPA after that first semester. (See more of Tyler’s story HERE!)
Tyler Carter, OSSM Class of 2012 (Sand Springs, Charles Page H.S.), Petroleum Engineer
There is a sense of security to be gained from similarity. At OSSM, however, I have found my best friends are the most different from me, and I relish in our unique approaches to problem solving. We all share in the ambition to better ourselves and the community we share.
Maggie Z., OSSM Class of 2017 (Tulsa, Jenks H.S.)
OSSM gave me a competitive environment to learn at a highly accelerated pace, which is what I and most of my colleagues have been wishing for since the discovery of our talents in elementary school.
Jake C., OSSM Class of 2017 (Edmond, Deer Creek H.S.)
OSSM helped me to realize my potential and provided me with the confidence to achieve more than I could have imagined.
Capt. James Dunlap, M.D., Surgeon, OSSM Class of 1994 (Lexington H.S.)
Attending OSSM has given me a support group in the form of fellow students turned family. The small class size, amiable environment, and awesome faculty has set the bar that all future education will be measured against.
Angela Z., OSSM Class of 2017 (Norman H.S.)
OSSM has taught me how to push myself and has made me a better person overall–It heightened every area/aspect of my life! The faculty and administration here have put forth tremendous effort to provide me and my classmates such high quality education. For that I am forever grateful.
Abel Z., OSSM Class of 2017 (Oklahoma City, Mustang H.S.)
OSSM helped me the find the people that care about me and push me to be better every day.
Rohan A., OSSM Class of 2022 (Deer Creek H.S., Edmond)
My first year at OSSM improved my time management skills greatly. It also improved my work ethic and has advanced my academic career much more than a regular high school would.
Katie L., OSSM Class of 2017 (Harrah, Choctaw H.S.)
OSSM has been an amazing experience for me. Although the classes are challenging, they interest me and stimulate my mind in ways that my home school never could. However, the community has had the most profound impact on me; it is clear to me that wherever I go, I will never meet people or have a community quite like the one at OSSM.
Catherine T., OSSM Class of 2019 (Edmond, Santa Fe H.S.)
I have learned the importance of managing a profound amount of work with spending time to relax. Learning to balance the two ideas can change how you approach all work in life for the better, making you a more effective worker.
Michael A., OSSM Class of 2017 (Tulsa, Jenks H.S.)