Going to OSSM was the best decision of my life. Students who attend here are challenged to overcome any and all obstacles that come their way in the academic world. My experience here has been nothing but amazing. This is the best school in Oklahoma and the nation.
Reynaldo F., OSSM Class of 2022 (Yukon H.S.)
OSSM provides unique education opportunities for students who are seeking to challenge themselves. By inspiring a high level of excellence, OSSM helps students to flourish in whichever field they wish to enter.
Pooja V., OSSM Class of 2019 (Lawton Academy of Arts & Science)
My first year at OSSM improved my time management skills greatly. It also improved my work ethic and has advanced my academic career much more than a regular high school would.
Katie L., OSSM Class of 2017 (Harrah, Choctaw H.S.)
OSSM is an amazing institution with unmatched academics as well as faculty and staff that only want the very best for each and every student. OSSM has pushed me to do my best both in academics and in my everyday endeavors. The relationships I have made here are definitely going to last my whole life and I couldn’t be more grateful for the experience of attending this amazing school.
Jess M., OSSM Class of 2020 (Bishop McGuinness H.S., Jones)
OSSM has been an amazing experience for me. Although the classes are challenging, they interest me and stimulate my mind in ways that my home school never could. However, the community has had the most profound impact on me; it is clear to me that wherever I go, I will never meet people or have a community quite like the one at OSSM.
Catherine T., OSSM Class of 2019 (Edmond, Santa Fe H.S.)
I learned how much a teacher could push me and nurture my education at the same time. I also found a great network of friends that could help me out no matter the problem and I’m truly grateful I got to have this experience!
Jessica Y., OSSM Class of 2017 (Stillwater H.S.)
OSSM has opened more doors for me than I ever imagined possible. OSSM has had a life-changing impact on the trajectory of my future.
Zach W., OSSM Class of 2022 (Walters H.S.)
Attending OSSM has given me a support group in the form of fellow students turned family. The small class size, amiable environment, and awesome faculty has set the bar that all future education will be measured against.
Angela Z., OSSM Class of 2017 (Norman H.S.)
OSSM has introduced me to a variety of different courses and helped me find my passions. The best part of OSSM is the community, and I am grateful to have met people that I will always cherish.
Jane G., OSSM Class of 2022 (Stillwater H.S.)
At OSSM I have developed many skills that surpass college preparedness and qualify as life skills. Living and learning with some of the brightest students. faculty, and staff in the nation is an honor and has enabled me to gain so much knowledge. I expect to build on that knowledge exponentially!