Third annual Phone-A-Thon kicks off Annual Appeal season!
Calling all OSSM Alumni! If you see “Oklahoma” on your caller ID Saturday, November 5, from 1-4pm or Monday, November 7, from 5-7pm (CST), please pick up! Current students are taking to the phones to connect with you and encourage your support through the OSSM Foundation Annual Appeal. Your generous gift will provide for so many programs, activities, and needs that make such a difference for students during their time here.
Annual Appeal mailers are out and should reach you any time! Please check out your Class’s standings in the friendly Faculty Award competition and designate your gift for your Class Award to help OSSM retain the world class faculty who make all the difference! Whichever program or need you choose, every penny you give will go to your designated purpose!
Click to Donate Online now! Your check or online gift of any amount available will mean so much for students following in your footsteps. No gift is too small or too large!
Thank you so much in advance for all your kind support, and very best wishes to you for very Happy Holidays!